edge Integration
Seamless data synchronisation with edge

“We used School-links to communicate the facts and stomp on the rumours. Parents knew exactly what we were doing, whereas with some other schools there was a lot of confusion.” - Newlands School (edge school).
edge data-syncs with School-links
edge data automatically syncs and integrates into the School-links communication system giving you seamless access to:
Text Alerts for Emergencies & Notices
An easy-to-use interface that allows school leaders to quickly send text alerts to staff, families, and students, from a PC or smart device.
Attendance Management - Early Notification (EN)
Quickly notify all parents about unexplained absences via text message. Parent’s replies are then read in edge. The communication archive provides senior management with communication records around truancy and attendance issues.
Newsletters & Updates
Group Messaging
All groups, year groups and classes are data-synced into the School-links platform, meaning you can easily target a specific audience.

Newlands School on data syncing with edge.
Easily share content across one or more communication channels. Select from email, text, and Facebook. Plus, you can select hand-picked advertisers that will create an ongoing fundraising income stream for your school.