Schools have student management systems in place to record student attendance but the verification method can be outdated and not easily managed by busy administration staff so students can easily slip through the cracks. School-links has seen its solution drastically reduce the time it takes for a school to contact parents about their children’s absence. Timeliness is essential to ensure the safety of absent students, to enable parents to take immediate action, and to break the cycle of truancy before students become chronic truants.
Ministry approved early notification system.
Quickly tells parents and caregivers if their child is absent without explanation.
Provides a quick reply back function for parent and caregivers through text and email.
Improves student achievement, punctuality, and retention.
Reduces unjustified non-attendance and prevents casual truancy becoming habit-forming.
Saves the time and cost involved in phoning parents.
School-links schools have reported:
a definite and immediate drop in truancy
large schools are following up on absentees daily instead of weekly
average time spent chasing up absentees has reduced from two hours to less than 10 minutes a day
quality, accuracy and accessibility of contact information has improved
parents are more proactive in advising schools when children will be absent and why