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Attendance management made easy

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

Student Attendance Report

For schools actively managing students with attendance issues and using School-links using our ‘Early Notification (EN) Student Report’ under ‘Absences’ you can get a printable report of every instance of an EN message to the Caregiver(s) for the selected timeframe.

It shows you the student’s name, the date and time of the initial transmission, the recipient’s name and phone number/email address, any replies and the date and time of the reply.

Not only can patterns be readily discerned, e.g. absent every Thursday, but the times of messages and replies are available.

Here’s how it works:

Login to your School-links portal page and click on the ‘Absences’ menu item.


From the ‘Absences’ menu select ‘EN Student Report’:


You are presented with a search screen. Put in the student’s name. Partial searches will work, e.g. ‘sam’ will find ‘Samuel’ and ‘Samantha’. You may need to experiment a little with the name a spelling to get the correct student, we can only store what the SMS sends us in the EN batch, it could be the preferred name or the legal name, depending on your SMS settings.

Note: to include batches sent on the day of the search you need to change the Search ‘Date To’ to tomorrow’s date.


The result:


You can see the batch number, when it was sent, student’s name, caregiver’s name (Sent to), phone number/email address, and any reply.

You can then use the Print function in your Internet browser to print it off. Or highlight, copy and paste into a document.


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