School-links KAMAR API provides seamless integration with your SMS and allows you to send and receive texts directly from KAMAR.
Attendance management
Notify parents immediately at the click of a button that a student is absent.
Use the School-links EN ‘Student Search’ feature, allowing school management to view all the communications sent to parents in relation to their students absentees (extremely useful for Principals and Attendance Officers as supporting evidence in their family conferences around any attendance issues).
Community engagement
Open up a whole world of other options to engage with your parents and caregivers. School-links allows KAMAR schools to send texts for cancellations, school events, reminders or emergencies directly from within KAMAR in the Groups, Markbook, Fees or External Programs areas.
1. Identify students
Within KAMAR use the familiar ‘Find’ screen to identify a student or group of students that you want to text and select the parent or caregivers contact details, be it an absence notification or a congratulations on an achievement!
2. Type your text message
Type your text message, provide an email reply address where the parent or caregivers text responses will be sent, confirm you are happy with the message and click ‘Send.’
3. Sit back and enjoy
Sit back and enjoy the increased engagement with your community or be safe in the knowledge that parents and caregivers are aware of absences or emergencies. Text replies will all be sent to the email that you provided for you to check at your convenience.