Uploading CSVs to School-links
The guide below shows you how to upload one of the CSV files exported from your SMS (see CSV Export instructions for popular SMSs) to School-links, making them ready for us to process.
Please note – MUSAC, edge and eTap users should contact our helpdesk instead of following the instructions below.
1. Log in to School-links, and visit your school as a master user
Log in to School-links with an account that has master user access to your school, and visit your school portal as a master user.
2. Go to the Data Transfers area
3. Go to the Upload CSV Data area
Click on Data Transfers from the school menu, then click on Upload CSV Data from the secondary menu..
4. Click the “Upload Students + Caregivers CSV File” button
5. Enter CSV details in the upload form
You’ll need to enter your normal area code (we store full format numbers, and use this if we encounter phone numbers without an area code), and select the SMS format type.
You will need to select your Student Management System File Format – we list these at the end of each CSV Export instructions guide, but a basic table is below:
Musac Classic (via “School-links Export” button): MusacClassic
Musac Classic (via manual export selection process): MusacClassicManual
KAMAR: Kamar
APT Childcare: AptChildcare
Assembly SMS: Assembly
eTap: Please contact our helpdesk to upload eTap data
Musac edge: Please contact our helpdesk to upload edge data
Browse to your CSV file saved earlier from the CSV File field, then hit submit.
6. All done!
You just submitted your CSV file to School-links for approval and import. We currently check each file before uploading to ensure the format is correct, and there are no errors that might prevent correct import of data. You can check on the status of the file from the Upload CSV Data area – once it moves from Pending to Imported, you’ll know your data is in correctly. We will also contact you once we import your data.
If you see the Abandoned status next to your CSV file, don’t be alarmed. This means we’ve attempted to import your file but for some reason we could not – we will either fix the file and re-import, or contact you to obtain a new file.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our helpdesk.